Unanswered Forum Topics

Right Whales, Right Gear: Finding New Ways to Fish that Avoid Entanglements


Fishing is an important economic mainstay of New England, and part of its cultural heritage. North Atlantic right whales are a critical natural component of the region’s coastal waters. Where the two meet entanglements happen, mainly as whales become wrapped in buoy ropes used to locate and haul pots resting on the seafloor.

Could green artificial light reduce bycatch during Barents Sea deep-water shrimp trawling?

Submitted by morgaac on

Light-emitting diodes (LEDs) were mounted on the lower part of a Nordmore grid to determine if they would encourage fish to move up towards the escape outlet prior to contacting the grid. Trials were conducted to assess the size selective properties of a 19 mm bar spaced Nordmore grid with and without LEDs. The target in the fishery is deep water shrimp (Pandalus borealis). Small fish are bycatch, with 51-100% passing through the Nordmore grid.

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Marine Stewardship Council Principle 2 (Environmental Impacts) Workshop, Latin America


This workshop presents information to fishery representatives in Latin America that will help them enter the certification process. For those that may have an issue with bycatch, the Global Bycatch Exchange can be a useful resource that presents information and potential solutions. This workshop gives an opportunity for fishery representatives to give feedback on what will make this tool more useful and user-friendly.

Global Fund for Marine Mammal Bycatch Solutions

New funding opportunity to support testing of bycatch reduction devices and techniques in developing country fisheries.

The Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, in collaboration with the Global Bycatch Exchange and the National Marine Fisheries Service Office of International Affairs and Seafood Inspection, is pleased to announce the availability of funding to support capacity building in developing countries for reducing marine mammal bycatch. More information

Permanent magnets reduce bycatch of benthic sharks in an ocean trap fishery

Submitted by morgaac on

The potential benefits of permanent magnets on ocean fish traps targeting snapper (Pagrus auratus) and their abiliy to reduce elasmobranch bycatch. The study deployed over 1000 traps in a fishery-dependent survey in New South Whales, Australia. The incorporation of magnets into fish traps significantly reduced incidences of elasmobranch bycatch by more than a thrid. At the same time, the target species catch rate was significantly increased. Magnets can therefore be used as an effective bycatch reduction device to reduce interactions with elasmobranchs.

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Toothed whale and shark depredation indicators: a case study from the Reunion Island and Sechelles pelagic longline fisheries

Submitted by morgaac on

Fishery data collected from the Reunion Island and Sechelles pelagic longline fisheries (targeting swordfish and tuna) between 2004 and 2015 was used to propose depredation indicators and to assess depredation levels in these fisheries. The interaction rate (depredation) was significantly higher for sharks compared to toothed whales in both fisheries. However, there was a higher depredation per unit effort from toothed whales compared to sharks indicating the impact was more significant. The gross depredation rate in the Seychelles fishery was 18.3%.

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Toothed whale and shark depredation indicators: a case study from the Reunion Island and Sechelles pelagic longline fisheries

Study Type
Summary study
Seychelles and Reunion Island
Target catch
Swordfish and tuna
Effect on bycatch species
Effect on target catch
Depredation rate was significantly higher for sharks but depredation impact was significantly higher for toothed whales
Bycatch species
Fishing Gear

Toothed whale and shark depredation indicators: a case study from the Reunion Island and Sechelles pelagic longline fisheries

Study Type
Summary study
Seychelles and Reunion Island
Target catch
Swordfish and tuna
Effect on bycatch species
Effect on target catch
Depredation rate was significantly higher for sharks but depredation impact was significantly higher for toothed whales
Bycatch species
Fishing Gear