Unanswered Forum Topics

An assessment of post-release mortality for a commonly discarded deep-sea isopod (Bathynomus giganteus) using reflex impairment

Submitted by btalwar on

Estimates of post-release mortality (PRM) rates for discarded bycatch are largely unknown across marine fisheries and represent a substantial source of uncertainty when estimating total fishery mortality. One way to predict PRM is through the use of reflex action mortality predictors (RAMP), whereby the presence or absence of target reflexes and known post-release fate are used to create a delayed mortality model.

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Consortium Director interviewed by the CBC

A recent article by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation covered proposed measures by the Canadian Government to mitigate deaths to right whales from fishing gear entanglement. In the article, Consortium Director Tim Werner discussed the prospect of ropeless fishing, in which surface lines and buoys might be submerged near the seafloor with crab, lobster, or fish traps to reduce entanglement risk. 

Here is a link to the full article, which ran on February 19, 2018: "Canada to introduce mandatory reporting of whale interactions this year

North Atlantic Right Whale Fishing Gear Entanglements - Case Studies

Entanglement in commercial fishing ropes threatens the recovery of the North Atlantic right whale (Eubalaena glacialis), a species largely restricted waters off of eastern North America.

International Marine Mammal - Longline Bycatch Mitigation Workshop

Mortality from longline bycatch threatens marine mammal species and populations such as the false killer whale (Pseudorca crassidens) in the insular Hawaiian Islands, and Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus) and pilot whales (Globicephala spp.) in the Northwest Atlantic. Fishermen also lose valuable target catch due to marine mammal depredation, and as a result, may face fishing restrictions that affect their bottom line. 


Whale-release rope

We are seeking proposals to develop a 3/8” diameter endline with 1700lb virgin breaking strength that is comparable to those currently used in northwest Atlantic lobster pot fisheries. 

Expression of Interest

We are seeking proposals to develop a 3/8” diameter endline with 1700lb virgin breaking strength that is comparable to those currently used in northwest Atlantic lobster pot fisheries. The concept is to use a rope that is practical for many pot fisheries while facilitating escape should whales come into contact with them. Innovative “whale-release” ropes should be developed according to the specifications provided below.