Unanswered Forum Topics

Maine Lobstermen's Association Meetings


Lobstermen invited to give their thoughts on whales and lobster gear

The Maine Lobstermen's Association (MLA) has scheduled a series of meetings, one in each of the state's seven lobster zones, to discuss current research on interactions between lobster gear and endangered whales. The purpose of the meetings is to get feedback from lobstermen about future research projects that they think would add knowledge about this topic.


Maine Lobstermen's Association Meetings


Lobstermen invited to give their thoughts on whale and lobster gear

The Maine Lobstermen's Association (MLA) has scheduled a series of meetings, one in each of the state's seven lobster zones, to discuss current research on interactions between lobster gear and endangered whales. The purpose of the meetings is to get feedback from lobstermen about future research projects that they think would add knowledge about this topic.


Completion Report for Sturgeon Gillnet Study (number EA 133F-10-RQ-1160)

Submitted by Kate McClellan on

Monkfish in the US mid-Atlantic and northeast are targeted through sink gillnets that also capture Atlantic sturgeon. Large-mesh gillnets are required to fish seasonally using tie-downs as part of the Harbor Porpoise Take Reduction Plan. This study looked at the effects of tie-downs (control: 12 meshes x 30.5 cm stretch mesh with four mesh tie-downs, experimental: same, no tie-downs) on Atlantic stureon and marine mammal bycatch.

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Experimental comparison among four types tori-line designs in the western North Pacific

Submitted by morgaac on

Four types of tori-lines (long streamer, light streamer, hybrid streamer and modified light streamer) were tested for their ability to reduce seabird bycatch on commercial longline fishing vessels in the north Pacific Ocean.  Two experiments were undertaken 1) determine the frequency of bycatch of Laysan albatross for each tori-line and 2) determine mean rate of attacks for tori-lines.  In experiement 1, the mean number of seabirds appearing and the catch per unit effort (for seabirds) was not statistically different between the four tori-lines.

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Field Study 629

Study Type
Field study in the wild
North Pacific Ocean
Target catch
None reported
Effect on bycatch species
In experiement 1, the mean number of seabirds appearing and the catch per unit effort (for seabirds) was not statistically different between the four tori-lines. In experiment 2, seabird attack rates (Laysan albatross and shearwater) were not statistic
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 629

Study Type
Field study in the wild
North Pacific Ocean
Target catch
None reported
Effect on bycatch species
In experiement 1, the mean number of seabirds appearing and the catch per unit effort (for seabirds) was not statistically different between the four tori-lines. In experiment 2, seabird attack rates (Laysan albatross and shearwater) were not statistic
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 629

Study Type
Field study in the wild
North Pacific Ocean
Target catch
None reported
Effect on bycatch species
In experiement 1, the mean number of seabirds appearing and the catch per unit effort (for seabirds) was not statistically different between the four tori-lines. In experiment 2, seabird attack rates (Laysan albatross and shearwater) were not statistic
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Direct comparison of seabird avoidance effect between two types of tori lines in longline fishing experiments

Submitted by morgaac on

Two types of tori-lines (tori-line and tori-line light streamer) were tested aboard commercial and research longline vessels in the western North Pacific to determine their effectiveness for seabird avoidance.  The tori-line light streamer reduced bait-taking behavior (primarily Laysan albatross) and bycatch of seabirds (primarily Laysan albatross) compared to the tori-line.  Therefore, the tori-line light streamer is a good option for avoiding seabird bycatch in this longline fishery.

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