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Large Whale Entanglement Dynamics Workshop

Over 50 fishermen, whale scientists, fishing gear engineers, rope manufacturers, and marine wildlife disentanglement experts participated in a workshop to examine the dynamics of large whale entanglements in fishing gear.

Over 50 fishermen, whale scientists, fishing gear engineers, rope manufacturers, and marine wildlife disentanglement experts participated in a workshop to examine the dynamics of large whale entanglements in fishing gear. The Consortium for Wildlife Bycatch Reduction organized this workshop to increase understanding about baleen whale entanglements and ultimately improve the evaluation methods for reducing their bycatch.  
Read the preliminary report.



How to Use the Database

The Database Includes:
Citations for studies that pertain to bycatch reduction approaches.
Summaries of the findings for each study.
Descriptions of bycatch reduction techniques.
Descriptions of fishing methods.
Links to studies and study authors, where available.


North Atlantic Right Whale

Eubalaena glacialis

The small population of North Atlantic right whales is in danger of extinction. These whales were hunted nearly to extinction by commercial whalers by the end of the 1700s, but today are at risk from entanglement in fishing gear and boat strikes.   

Western North Atlantic
< 411 individuals (2018)
IUCN Status
Critically Endangered
Bycatch Threat
Trap lines, gillnets, longlines