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Field Study 363

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Georges Bank
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
No signficant difference in catch rates between gangions for loggerhead sea turtles.
Effect on target catch
There were no differences in the mean length at capture, but signficantly more swordfish were caught on the monofilament gangions.
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 365

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Wollongong, Australia
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
Blue-dyed squid bait reduced subsurface interactions with seabirds by 68%. Seabirds struck only 3-8% of surface blue-dyed squid bait compared with 75-98% of non-dyed squid bait. Birds struck 48% of blue-dyed fish bait at the surface during the first tw
Effect on target catch
None reported
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 365

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Wollongong, Australia
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
Blue-dyed squid bait reduced subsurface interactions with seabirds by 68%. Seabirds struck only 3-8% of surface blue-dyed squid bait compared with 75-98% of non-dyed squid bait. Birds struck 48% of blue-dyed fish bait at the surface during the first tw
Effect on target catch
None reported
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 365

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Wollongong, Australia
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
Blue-dyed squid bait reduced subsurface interactions with seabirds by 68%. Seabirds struck only 3-8% of surface blue-dyed squid bait compared with 75-98% of non-dyed squid bait. Birds struck 48% of blue-dyed fish bait at the surface during the first tw
Effect on target catch
None reported
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Efficiency of the circle hook in comparison with J-hook in longline fishery

Submitted by morgaac on

Tests were conducted aboard pelagic longline vessels in the Bay of Bengal to determine if there were differences in the catch composition, catch rate, hooking position or length frequency of target and bycatch species caught with circle and J-hooks.  Circle hooks caught similar percentages of both target (46.7%) and bycatch (53.3%) species, while J-hooks caught a higher percentage of bycatch (74.5%) species.  Catch rates for the target species were higher for circle hooks (2.2 individuals/1,000 hooks) compared to J-hooks (1.9 individuals/1,000 hooks).  In contrast, catch rate

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Field Study 367

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Bay of Bengal
Target catch
Tunas and billfish
Effect on bycatch species
J-hooks caught a higer percentage (74.5%) of bycatch compared to target (25.5%) species, while circle hooks caught a similar percentage of each (53.3% and 46.7% respectively). Bycatch catch rates were higher on J-hooks (5.6 individuals/1,000 hooks) than
Effect on target catch
Target species catch rates were higher on circle hooks (2.2 individuals/1,000 hooks) compared to J-hooks (1.9 individuals/1,000 hooks). Swordfish caught by J-hooks were slightly larger than those caught on circle hooks.
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 367

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Bay of Bengal
Target catch
Tunas and billfish
Effect on bycatch species
J-hooks caught a higer percentage (74.5%) of bycatch compared to target (25.5%) species, while circle hooks caught a similar percentage of each (53.3% and 46.7% respectively). Bycatch catch rates were higher on J-hooks (5.6 individuals/1,000 hooks) than
Effect on target catch
Target species catch rates were higher on circle hooks (2.2 individuals/1,000 hooks) compared to J-hooks (1.9 individuals/1,000 hooks). Swordfish caught by J-hooks were slightly larger than those caught on circle hooks.
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 367

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Bay of Bengal
Target catch
Tunas and billfish
Effect on bycatch species
J-hooks caught a higer percentage (74.5%) of bycatch compared to target (25.5%) species, while circle hooks caught a similar percentage of each (53.3% and 46.7% respectively). Bycatch catch rates were higher on J-hooks (5.6 individuals/1,000 hooks) than
Effect on target catch
Target species catch rates were higher on circle hooks (2.2 individuals/1,000 hooks) compared to J-hooks (1.9 individuals/1,000 hooks). Swordfish caught by J-hooks were slightly larger than those caught on circle hooks.
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Trial setting of deep longline techniques to reduce bycatch and increase targeting of deep-swimming tunas

Submitted by morgaac on

Pelagic longlines were weighted with lead weights, enabling them to fish deeper in the water column than traditional pelagic longlines.  Weighted longlines caught 31 target species with a slightly higher catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 1.3 fish/100 hooks (49 kg/100 hooks) compared to traditional gear (38 target species and a CPUE of 1.08 fish/100 hooks or 41 kg/100 hooks).  Bigeye tuna CPUE for the weighted gear was higher, 0.95 fish/100 hooks (36 kg/100 hooks), than for traditional gear, 0.56/100 hooks (21 kg/100 hooks).  Swordfish CPUE was very similar for weighted (0.3 fis

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Field Study 369

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Target catch
Bigeye tuna
Effect on bycatch species
None reported
Effect on target catch
Weighted longlines had a slightly higher overall CPUE (1.3 fish/100 hooks) compared to traditional longlines (1.08 fish/100 hooks) and caught more bigeye (0.95 fish/ 100 hooks) than traditional longlines (0.56 fish/100 hooks). Catch rates were not very
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 369

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Target catch
Bigeye tuna
Effect on bycatch species
None reported
Effect on target catch
Weighted longlines had a slightly higher overall CPUE (1.3 fish/100 hooks) compared to traditional longlines (1.08 fish/100 hooks) and caught more bigeye (0.95 fish/ 100 hooks) than traditional longlines (0.56 fish/100 hooks). Catch rates were not very
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 369

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Target catch
Bigeye tuna
Effect on bycatch species
None reported
Effect on target catch
Weighted longlines had a slightly higher overall CPUE (1.3 fish/100 hooks) compared to traditional longlines (1.08 fish/100 hooks) and caught more bigeye (0.95 fish/ 100 hooks) than traditional longlines (0.56 fish/100 hooks). Catch rates were not very
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Bycatch reduction in trammel net fishery for prawn (Melicertus kerathurus) by using guarding net in Izmir Bay on Aegean Coast of Turkey

Submitted by morgaac on

The number of floats and hanging ratio of trammel nets were altered in two experimental nets and compared to a standard trammel net to determine the impact on reducing the bycatch of purple dye murex, mantis shrimp and crabs.  The first experimental net had more floats than the control net in addition to a guarding net and the second experimental net had the same number of floats as the control net, with the addition of a guarding net.  During the first trial only experimental net 1 and the control net were compared and in the second trial all three nets were compared.  Durin

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Field Study 371

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Izmir Bay, Turkey
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
Trial 1, experimental net caught 44% fewer crabs and mantis shrimp and 49% fewer murex than control net. Trial 2, experimental net 1 caught 66% fewer crabs, 27% fewer mantis shrimp and 32% fewer murex, while experiemnetal net 2 caught 51% fewer crabs,
Effect on target catch
Trial 1, experimental net 1 caught 17% fewer prawns than the control net. Trial 2, experimental net 2 caught 2% fewer prawns than the control net.
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 371

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Izmir Bay, Turkey
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
Trial 1, experimental net caught 44% fewer crabs and mantis shrimp and 49% fewer murex than control net. Trial 2, experimental net 1 caught 66% fewer crabs, 27% fewer mantis shrimp and 32% fewer murex, while experiemnetal net 2 caught 51% fewer crabs,
Effect on target catch
Trial 1, experimental net 1 caught 17% fewer prawns than the control net. Trial 2, experimental net 2 caught 2% fewer prawns than the control net.
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Field Study 371

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Izmir Bay, Turkey
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
Trial 1, experimental net caught 44% fewer crabs and mantis shrimp and 49% fewer murex than control net. Trial 2, experimental net 1 caught 66% fewer crabs, 27% fewer mantis shrimp and 32% fewer murex, while experiemnetal net 2 caught 51% fewer crabs,
Effect on target catch
Trial 1, experimental net 1 caught 17% fewer prawns than the control net. Trial 2, experimental net 2 caught 2% fewer prawns than the control net.
Bycatch species
Reduction technique
Fishing Gear

Bycatch Survival

[[wysiwyg_imageupload:166:]]    Researchers at the New England Aquarium (NEAq) work with  
    the Consortium to assess the survivability of bycatch animals.

    It is extremely stressful for a marine creature to be c
    hauled onto a boat, sorted and then released back into the