Unanswered Forum Topics

Cory's shearwater by-catch in the Mediterranean Spanish commercial longline fishery: implications for management

Submitted by Kate McClellan on

Cory's shearwater, Calonectris diomedea, is the main seabird species incidentally caught by the Spanish longline fleet in the western Mediterranean Sea. The authors used onboard observer data to model the longline bycatch of Cory's shearwaters as a function of time of the year, technical characteristics of the fishing operation, and geographical location. The most explanatory factor for bycatch was the geographical location and then the technical characteristics (number of hooks and fishing during non-working days).

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Bycatch of great albatrosses in pelagic longline fisheries in the southwest Atlantic: contributing factors and implications for management

Submitted by Kate McClellan on

This study examined the spatial and temporal variations in bycatch rates of four species of great albatrosses. Observer data was obtained from the Uruguayan pelagic longline fleet and Japanese vessles operating in Uruguay. Vessel operational practices and habitat variables affected bycatch rates, including: setting time, moon phase, and area and season. 

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Field Study

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Target catch
swordfish, tuna, sharks
Effect on bycatch species
Time of year was the largest predictor of interaction between great albatross and longliners
Effect on target catch
Bycatch species
Fishing Gear

Field Study

Study Type
Field study in the wild
Target catch
swordfish, tuna, sharks
Effect on bycatch species
Time of year was the largest predictor of interaction between great albatross and longliners
Effect on target catch
Bycatch species
Fishing Gear

A risk-based approach to rapidly screen vulnerability of cetaceans to impacts from fisheries bycatch

Submitted by Kate McClellan on

Potential risk of fisheries to cetaceans was assessed using a screening procedure based on a Productivity Susceptibility Analysis (PSA) using gears found in Ireland. Gillnets targeting demersal species was assessed as the fishery posing the greatest risk to cetaceans. Pelagic trawls targeting small pelagic species was found to pose a moderate risk to cetaceans. Specific gear-species interactions were also identified, such as humpback whales and pots/traps.  

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2013 Katerva Ecosystem Conservation Award Winner

The Consortium for Wildlife Bycatch Reduction has won the 2013 Katerva Ecosystem Conservation Award!



The Consortium for Wildlife Bycatch Reduction has won the 2013 Katerva Ecosystem Conservation Award!

The Katerva award is hailed as “the Nobel Prize of Sustainability.” The Katerva Award, now in its third year, draws upon a network of experts from science, business, academia, finance, and government to

identify innovative projects in ten different categories that have the “greatest potential for both impact and scale” and have the potential to be applied in other locations and situations.

Long-term effectiveness, failure rates, and "dinner-bell" properties of acoustic pingers in a gillnet fishery

Submitted by Kate McClellan on

The long-term effectiveness of acoustic pingers in reducing marine mammal bycatch was assessed in the California swordfish and thresher shark drift gillnet fishery. Bycatch was observed at sea between 1990 and 2009, with acoustic pingers being present from 1996 to 2009. Bycatch rates of cetaceans decreased by around 50% when pingers were present; the decrease was mostly driven by common dolphins. Beaked whales have not been incidentally caught since 1995. Pinger failure occurred in less than 4% of observed sets.

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