Unanswered Forum Topics

Mitigating odontocete depredation and by-catch in pelagic longline fisheries: physical and psychological deterrence at the hook

Derek Hamer, Simon Childerhouse, and Nick J Gales
Presenter's Organization
Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities: Australian Antarctic Division

The use of devices to reduce bycatch in Venezuelan shrimp fisheries and the FAO Code of Conduct for Responsible Fishing

Submitted by Jose Alio on

Shrimp is one of the most valuable fishery resources of Venezuela, with landings about 12 400 t (2007) and worth more than US $35 million. Fishing is carried out along the coast; the industrial trawl fleet used to operate at depths between 10 and 120 m, while fishing with artisanal gears is done close to shore, in coastal lagoons, gulfs and in Lake Maracaibo at depths from 1 to 40 m. The latter represent 84% of landings, mainly from Lake Maracaibo. While only the shrimp is sold by the artisanal fleet, the industrial fleet also sells some fish species, crabs and mollusks.

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Post-release survival, vertical movements and thermal niche partitioning in five species pelagic sharks released from longline fishing gear in the central Pacific Ocean

Submitted by Musyl on

From 2001 to 2006, 71 pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) were deployed on five species of pelagic shark (blue shark [Prionace glauca]; shortfin mako [Isurus oxyrinchus]; silky shark [Carcharhinus falciformis]; oceanic whitetip shark [C. longimanus]; and bigeye thresher [Alopias superciliosus]) in the central Pacific Ocean to determine species-specific movement patterns and survival rates after release from longline fishing gear.

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