An interview-based investigation of marine megafauna bycatch in the northern South China Sea

Lin, M., Liu, M., Turvey, S.T. and Li, S.
Journal/Publisher Name
Biological Conservation
Volume (Issue #)
Page #s
Contact information
Songhai Li, Marine Mammal and Marine Bioacoustics Laboratory, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China-

This study investigated bycatch events in the northern South China Sea through interviews of fishers. The majority of interviewed fishers reported an estimated 7,464 annual bycatch events, with sea turtles encountered most commonly followed by Indo-Pacific finless porpoises, whale sharks, and Indo-Pacific humpback dolphins. The gear most associated with bycatch were gillnets, trawl nets, and seine nets. Modeling suggests that bycatch may be influenced by distance from the coast and water depth for marine mammals and sea turtles, but by administrative region for whale sharks.