Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium

Boston, Massachusetts

Dr. Scott Kraus, Vice President and Senior Science Advisor/Chief Scientist, Marine Mammal Conservation, Anderson Cabot Center for Ocean Life at the New England Aquarium, is one of the leading experts on the biology of the North Atlantic right whale, and has extensive experience with his team at the Aquarium in building consensus among industry and scientists in achieving conservation outcomes. These include the relocation of shipping lanes away from sensitive whale habitats, and the development of practical “whale friendly” fishing methods. Dr. Kraus has a PhD.


Flashing NetLights reduce bycatch in small-scale fisheries of the Eastern Mediterranean

Submitted by twerner on

Illuminated nets were tested to evaluate their effect on catch and bycatch in set nets, principally green and loggerhead sea turtles, in northern Cyprus. Reductions in the catch of sea turtle and non-target sharks and rays were recorded with no effect on target catch. Data were collected from 130 field sets thst occurred over a two-year period. Experimental effort should be expanded to better ascertain the relationship between the illuminated devices used and sea turtle bycatch reduction.

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Gillnet ban

California seeks to implement more restrictions on gillnet fishing in its State and adjacent Federal waters. See:….

If you follow what is happening globally with gillnets, which some people call "curtains of death," this new but not original call for a ban using them off California noteworthy.

California seeks to implement more restrictions on gillnet fishing in its State and adjacent Federal waters. See:….

If you follow what is happening globally with gillnets, which some people call "curtains of death," this new but not original call for a ban using them off California is noteworthy.

NOAA Right Whale discovered dead off of Martha's Vineyard appears to have been caused by lobster line from Maine State waters

For more information, please see the reports directly from NOAA. Here is the link:…

For many years Maine lobster fishermen have maintained that their gear is not involved in right whale entanglements. Nevertheless, many scientists believed that this had more to do with cryptic entanglements in which very few entanglements are observed and thus there would not be an opportunity to study from where the entangling gear originated.

Ropeless fishing gains traction in Massachusetts

Some fishermen are taking advantage of available federal funding and gear to try out ropeless gear in Massachusetts, and increasingly in Maine as well.

State and federal governments are looking at opening fishing areas closed to fishing because of high entanglement risk to North Atlantic right whales (Eubalaena glacialis). See…