Travel and Accommodations

Techniques for Reducing Marine Mammal-Gillnet Bycatch Workshop, October 17-20, 2011, Woods Hole, MA, USA.

The workshop will be held in Clark 507 located in the Quissett Campus of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution (WHOI). Accommodation will be covered for the nights of October 16-19 at the Inn on the Square (Falmouth, MA), and a shuttle bus will be available for transportation to and from the Inn and WHOI.

The Consortium can reimburse you for your travel to attend the workshop (such as .51¢/mile mileage reimbursement, domestic economy airfare, train, bus, etc.). If you are arriving by air, it is best to fly into Boston’s Logan Airport. The best way to get from Logan Airport to Woods Hole is by taking the Peter Pan Coach bus (see Peter Pan Schedule). From Woods Hole you can either take a taxi or we will have a shuttle available, depending on your arrival time.

As this workshop is supported by US Government funding, for us to reimburse your flights you must use US Flag Carriers except under the following circumstances:

1) Using a US carrier would add 2+ additional stops to your trip.

2) If traveling via a US carrier adds an additional 24 hours to the round trip flight, adds an additional 6 hours between stopovers for a long distance flight, or adds an additional 3 hours between stopovers for shorter flight (a shorter flight is less than 3 hours and a long flight greater than 3 hours), a foreign carrier is allowed.

3) If for some reason there is a problem with your flight and the US carrier on which you are traveling reroutes you to a foreign carrier.

Although most participants generally find it easier to book their own airline travel and then get reimbursed, if you need my help in booking your flights please let me know. The workshop schedule is very full so please arrive by the evening of the 16th, and do not plan on leaving on any flight departing before 8pm on the 20th. If this requires staying another evening at the Inn, we will be able to cover an extra night.

At your earliest convenience, and no later than September 15, please get back to me with following information:

1) If you are driving to the meeting and need to park at WHOI please let me know so that I can email you a parking permit.

2) Your flight arrival and departure information.

3) The nights for which you will require accommodation.

4) If you will be covering your own travel and accommodation. (If this is the case and you contact the Inn, please make sure they know you are part of our workshop group).

Be sure to save all of your receipts you want reimbursed, covering your travel and food expenses. I will take these either during the meeting or you can send them to me later for reimbursement. Also, if you have any questions or other travel needs, please let me know.

I look forward to seeing you at the workshop!

Respectfully yours,

Amanda Thompson
Laboratory Administrative Manager
New England Aquarium
Central Wharf
Boston, MA 02110-3399
Tel. 617-973-0249
Fax 617-973-0242