
Draft Agenda

Woods Hole, MA USA
October 17-20, 2011

October 16 (6:30 pm) Meet and Greet

October 17 am: Session 1 Paper Presentations

9 am     Introductory Remarks

9:15      Dr. Randall Reeves, K. McClellan, T. Werner - Global overview of marine mammal vulnerability to risheries bycatch

10:15    Dr. Andy Read - Case study of harbor porpoise bycatch and pingers in the NW Atlantic

10:45    BREAK

11:00    Dr. Andrew Revill and T. Werner - Gillnets: A descriptive overview and discussion of bycatch risk components

11:40    Dr. Francis Chopin - FAO International Guidelines on Bycatch Management and Reductions of Discards

12:30    LUNCH (provided)

October 17 pm: Session 2 Paper Presentations

1:30    Debra Palka - Experience in implementing acoustic pingers in US fisheries (to be confirmed)

1:55    Dr. Simon Northridge - Acoustic deterrents in UK gillnet fisheries

2:20    Dr. Vic Peddemors - Pingers and shark control nets (S. Africa)

2:45    Dr. Christine Erbe - Acoustic characterization of bycatch mitigation pingers

3:10    BREAK

3:30    Dr. Per Berggren - Review of the efficacy of acoustic deterrents for reducing marine mammal bycatch in the Baltic region, North Seas and East Africa

3:55    Dr. Marije Siemensma - Dutch research with acoustic deterrents and gillnet gear

4:20    Dr. Steven Dawson - To ping or not to ping? That is the question: a global review of the effectiveness of pingers in reducing gillnet bycatch of cetaceans

4:45    Acoustic pinger technology exhibit

6:30    DINNER (provided)

October 18 am (cont'd): Session 2 Paper Presentations

9 am    Dr. Tomonari Akamatsu - Efficacy of pingers in North Pacific salmon and squid gillnet fisheries

October 18 am: Session 3 Paper Presentations

9:25     Finn Larsen and Dr. Simon Northridge - Review of European trials of barium sulfate and metal oxide nets

9:50     Dr. Alice Mackey, Pablo Bordino, and Dr. Eduardo Secchi - Results from South American trials of barium sulfate and stiff nets on franciscana and sea turtle bycatch

10:15   BREAK

10:30   Dr. Henry Milliken - How variation of gillnet hanging ratios affects bycatch of harbor porpoise in the NW Atlantic

10:55   Dr. Marjorie Rossman and Debra Palka - Evaluating the impact of gillnet soak durations on bycatch of small cetaceans in the Northwest Atlantic, USA

11:20   Dr. Scott Kraus - Gillnet gear modifications for reducing right whale entanglements

11:45   Sessions 1 & 2 Break-out group assignments

12:00   LUNCH (provided)

October 18 pm: Session 2 & 3 Break-Out Groups

1:00-5:30  Two concurrent break-out groups address assigned questions

6:30    DINNER (on your own)

October 19 am: Session 4 Paper Presentations

9 am    Dr. Christopher Orphanides - The impact of time-area closures on harbor porpoise bycatch reduction

9:25    Dr. Liz Slooten - How effective are protected areas in reducing Hector's dolphin bycatch?

9:50    Dr. Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho and Dr. Armando Jaramillo Legorreta - Time-area closures for critically endangered species: A recipe for extinction or survival? The case of the vaquita

10:15   BREAK

10:30   Dr. Simon Goldsworthy - Pinnipeds and time-area closures in an Australian gillnet fishery (to be confirmed)

October 19 am/pm: Session 5 Paper Presentations

10:55   Pablo Bordino - Switching gillnets with handlines: a strategy to reduce the bycatch of Franciscana dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) in Argentina

11:10   Dr. Sara Konigson, Sven-Gunnar Lunneryd, Mikael Ovegard and Fredrik Ljunghager - Cod pots - an alternative fishing gear to gillnets?

12:00   LUNCH (provided)

1:00    Dr. Christian Pusch - Cod traps as an ecologically sound fishing gear in the German waters of the Baltic Sea

1:25    Dr. Aguilar-Ramirez - Mexican efforts to save Phocoena sinus from extinction through sustainable fisheries 

1:50    BREAK

October 19 pm: Sessions 4 & 5 Break-Out Groups

2:15    Sessions 4 & 5 Break-out Group Assignments

2:25-6:00    Two concurrent break-out groups address assigned questions

7:00    Dinner (provided)

October 20 am: Sessions 4 & 5 Break-Out Groups (cont'd)

9 am    Two concurrent break-out groups address assigned questions

10:30   BREAK

11:00   GROUP 2 (Acoustic Deterrents) Presentation and discussion

12:00   LUNCH (provided)

1:00     GROUP 3 (Non-Acoustic Techniques) Presentation and discussion

2:00     GROUP 4 (Time-Area Closures) Presentation and discussion

3:00     GROUP 5 (Gear Switching) Presentation and discussion

4:00     Conclusion, next steps

5:00    Adjourn

Confirmed Participants

Daniel Aquilar, INAPESCA, Mexico
Tomonari Akamatsu, Japanese National Research Institute of Fisheries Engineering, Japan
Mike Asaro, NOAA, USA
Per Berggren, University of Newcastle, UK
Pablo Bordino, Aquamarina, Argentina
Francis Chopin, FAO, Italy
Steven Christensen, Airmar, USA
Steven Dawson, University of Otago, New Zealand
Christine Erbe, Jasco Research, Australia
Simon Goldsworthy, PIRSA-SARDI, Australia
Pingguo He, UMASS-Dartmouth, USA
John Higgins, NOAA, USA
Neil Hughes, AMFA, Australia
Martin Ipuche, STM Products, Italy
Amanda Johnson, NOAA, USA
John Kenney, NOAA, USA
Sara Konigson, Institute of Coastal Research, Swedish Fisheries Board
Scott Kraus, New England Aquarium, USA
Scott Landry, Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies, USA
Finn Larsen, Danish National Institute of Aquatic Resources
Alice Mackay, Consultant, UK
David Matilla, NOAA, USA
Kate McClellan, Bycatch Consortium/NEAq, USA
Henry Milliken, NOAA, USA
Aran Mooney, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Michael Moore, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, USA
Simon Northridge, University of St. Andrews, UK
Christopher Orphanides, NOAA, USA
Debra Palka, NEFSC, NOAA, USA
Vic Peddemors, Department of Primary Industries, NSW, Australia
Christian Pusch, German Federal Agency of Nature Conservation
Andy Read, Duke University, USA
Randy Reeves, Okapi Associates, Canada
Andrew Revill, Revill Nation, UK
Marjorie Rossman, NEFSC, NOAA, USA
Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho, Mexican National Institute of Ecology
Enrique Sanjuro, WWF-Mexico
Qwynne Schnaittacher, NOAA Contractor, USA
Eduardo Secchi, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Marije Siemensma, IVN, Holland
Mike Simpkins, NOAA, USA
Liz Slooten, University of Otago, New Zealand
Andrew Smerdon, Aquatec, UK
Amanda Thompson, New England Aquarium, USA
James Turner, Fumunda, UK
Tim Werner, Bycatch Consortium/New England Aquarium, USA
Nina Young, NOAA Office of International Affairs, USA