A spatially and temporally explicit Productivity and Susceptibility Analysis (PSA) was developed to screen cetacean species for bycatch risk. This PSA can be included under Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management (EBFM). The potential risk to harbor porpoises and minke whales from static fishing gear was investigated. Harbor porpoise's had a low to moderate biological risk from bycatch compared to other cetacean species. Minke whales are less productive than harbor porpoise's but also have a low to moderate biological risk to bycatch. The results suggested that high, low and moderate risk areas can all exist within the range of individual fisheries (gillnet, longline, pots). Therefore, management measures can focus on areas of the greatest risk to these species. EBFM can complement and support current management measures.
Journal/Publisher Name
Marine Policy
Volume (Issue #)
Page #s
Contact information
Corresponding author. Tel.: þ353 21 490 4663.
E-mail address: s.brown@ucc.ie (S.L. Brown).
E-mail address: s.brown@ucc.ie (S.L. Brown).
Field Studies
Spatial and temporal assessment of potential risk to cetaceans from static fishing gears
Study Type
Summary study
Target catch
Effect on bycatch species
Effect on target catch
Fishing Gear