Authors Northridge, S. Year 2003 Journal/Publisher Name Final Report to DEFRA, Project MF0735 Summary An excluder device, tested in the United Kingdom bass pair trawl fishery, reduced bycatch of common dolphins (Delphinus delphis). There was a negligible loss of target fish (<1%). Field Studies Further development of a dolphin exclusion device Study Type Field study in the wild Location United Kingdom Target catch Bass Effect on bycatch species Reduced bycatch Effect on target catch Slightly reduced target catch (<1%) Bycatch species Small Cetaceans (maximum length < 7.5 meters) Reduction technique Excluder devices Fishing Gear Trawls Read more about Further development of a dolphin exclusion device
Further development of a dolphin exclusion device Study Type Field study in the wild Location United Kingdom Target catch Bass Effect on bycatch species Reduced bycatch Effect on target catch Slightly reduced target catch (<1%) Bycatch species Small Cetaceans (maximum length < 7.5 meters) Reduction technique Excluder devices Fishing Gear Trawls Read more about Further development of a dolphin exclusion device